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December 10, 2015

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House passes 5-year FAST Act

On Dec. 3, 2015, the House of Representatives approved the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, 5-year legislation designed to improve America’s roads, bridges, public transit and rail transportation systems. The bipartisan effort reforms and strengthens transportation programs and provides more flexibility for states and local governments, while maintaining a strong commitment to safety.

To view a summary of the Act, go to www.transportation.house.gov/fast-act/#top1

George A. Fox Conference
In recognition of George A. Fox's accomplishments in tunneling and underground construction, the UCA of SME holds this annual conference to help today's industry professionals learn from their peers about the challenges and the strategies for tunneling in populated areas.

January 26, 2016
Graduate Center, CUNY
New York City, NY

For more information and to register, please visit www.georgefoxconference.com.

Tunnelers Gathering In San Francisco
For the first time in 19 years, the United States of America is proud to host the 2016 World Tunnel Congress in San Francisco, CA. With as many as 600 unique technical presentations, short courses and breakout sessions, you will have the chance to interact with more than 200+ exhibitors from around the world, and companies representing all types of products and services for the tunneling and underground construction industry.

For more information and to register, please visit www.wtc2016.us/

Apply for UCA Young Members Scholarship to attend WTC Conference

The UCA of SME Young Members (UCAYM) Scholarship for WTC 2016 Attendance has been established to encourage student attendance of this renowned conference where students can experience firsthand the challenges, opportunities and rewards of a career in the field of tunneling and underground construction.

Applications for the scholarship must be submitted by February 1, 2016.

Scholarship recipients will receive:
  • Student registration for WTC 2016 with full access to the technical sessions and exhibit hall (www.wtc2016.us).
  • Invitations to the Welcome Reception, UCAYM Networking Event, and the Scholarship Recipient Orientation.
  • A one-year student membership to UCA of SME (www.smenet.org/uca-of-sme/membership/overview).
  • Travel assistance to the conference based on expenses incurred for airfare, hotel, ground transportation and meals, up to $1,000.

More information can be found at www.community.smenet.org/ucaym/home.

UCA Young Members
Did you miss the November Webinar?
Avalanches have historically damaged railways traversing the watershed chutes in the John. F. Stevens Canyon just south of Glacier National Park in Montana. To protect the railway, snowsheds have been constructed to divert the avalanches over the track structure. However, snowsheds were not designed to accommodate surface water flow. This project included the design and construction of a unique drainage basin and culvert system that captures surface water, conveying it over the snowsheds while still allowing avalanches to pass over the snowshed unimpeded.

Just months after completion of construction, an avalanche came down putting the new structure to the test. Carol Ravano’s presentation on the design, construction oversight, and performance of the avalanche and drainage mitigation was absolutely fascinating.

You can view this, as well as previous UCA webinars, at community.smenet.org/ucaym/events/webinars.

UCA webinars are funded by the UCA Division of SME and are provided at no cost to all participants.

ASCE Utility Institute is expanding
Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute (UESI) offers civil engineering and surveying professionals working within the utility and pipelines engineering and the surveying communities a recognizable home which they can join to collectively work to improve the profession. UESI provides publications, conferences and professional development opportunities. For more information, visit the ASCE UESI webpage.
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