SME Board of Directors Internship Program

Expand your leadership skills and elevate your profile within SME.

Apply for the SME Board of Directors Intern Program and help to shape the strategic direction and governance of the Society.

Apply by June 1 for Consideration

Consider applying for the new SME Board of Directors Intern Program. If selected, you will serve as a non-voting member of the SME board, tasked with helping to shape the strategic direction and governance of the Society, while providing insight on issues affecting younger members. To be considered, please submit your application, reference letters, and a 500 word essays by June 1.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Must be a current SME Member

  2. Age 40 or under by application deadline of June 1

  3. Completed B.S. or B.A. degree

  4. Able to attend all Board meetings

    1. Two in-person meetings held at the SME Annual Conference & Expo (February) and the SME Mid-year Meeting (September)

    2. Two conference call meetings

  5. Preferred:

    1. SME participation/leadership through Local Sections, Divisions, SME Foundation, or other SME sponsored programs.

Intern Responsibilities

Interns will:

  1. Attend all open board meetings and participate actively, but refrain from voting

  2. Attend the Emerging Leaders Alliance Conference in September in Washington, D.C.

  3. Attend the SME Leadership Orientation that occurs on Saturday morning of the SME Annual Conference & Expo


Contact Raven Refuerzo at