Association Growth
SME creates value and unites OUR community.
- Promote effective partnerships.
- Enhance member engagement at all levels of the organization.
- Enhance opportunities for inclusivity and access to all programs and activities.
- Promote initiatives to engage the next generation of leaders.
Industry Innovation
SME is the first choice for disseminating innovative mining and underground construction information, research, and technology.
- Provide quality platforms for the transfer of knowledge.
- Expand opportunities for disseminating and presenting innovative research and best practices.
- Publicize impactful ideas and trends.
Industry Workforce
Promote mining and underground construction as multidisciplinary careers that are essential and rewarding.
- Assist educational institutions in promoting the industry.
- Provide resources to attract and retain a skilled and professional workforce.
- Recognize and support changing professional development needs.
Responsible Mining & Underground Construction
SME promotes responsible mining and underground construction.
- Provide information about responsible mining best practices.
- Proactively identify policy and regulatory hot topics related to responsible mining.
- Promote streamlined permitting process.
- Support partnerships between industry, stakeholders, and government.
2020 SME Strategic Plan
SME Strategic Committees
SME has four Strategic Committees which align with the Society’s Strategic Goals outlined above. These include:- Association Growth
- Industry Innovation
- Industry Workforce
- Responsible Mining and Underground Construction (this committee will address the goals of Environmental Stewardship)
Individuals for these top level committees are nominated by SME Members and selected by the SME Nominating Committee. A total of six individual SME members will serve three year rotating terms. They are required to meet face to face at the SME Annual and Midyear meetings and may need to meet at additional times to achieve their goals. They provide written and oral reports to the SME Board. Each committee includes a board representative along with the staff liaison. If you have an interest in helping to further any of the strategic goals and in joining a strategic committee, please contact Genny Homyack at for more information. Nominations are accepted annually prior to July 1.