Become an SME Member and Save on MINEXCHANGE 2025 Registration!

SME membership gives you endless opportunities for growth and development. Membership also saves you money - on registration for MINEXCHANGE 2025 SME Annual Conference & Expo, where you'll discover the resources, knowledge and people to take you to the next level.


Saving is simple:

  1. Join SME
  2. Register for MINEXCHANGE 2025 and save $70

SME is about more than money. Become a part of the SME community for content, community and connections. Expand your professional network and discover new opportunities. Get the latest mining industry news, best practices and solutions with SME membership.

Membership Benefits:

  • Be a part of the SME Community to take part in valuable discussions with special interest groups, committees, Local Sections and Student Chapters.
  • Meet other professionals in the industry at our conferences and through our online directory featuring over 14,000 SME members
  • Attend technical conferences, meetings, short courses and webinars
  • Enjoy all of our insight publications like Mining Engineering magazine and Tunneling & Underground Construction magazine.

Check out even more benefits of membership. We look forward to welcoming you as a member! 



Are you a new mining leader?
Learn more about SME’s Young Leaders Committee.
