The SME Guide to Tailings Resources

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Photo provided by Sociedad Minera Cerro Verde S.A.A., a corporate affiliate of Freeport McMoRan Inc.

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A Guide to the Management of Tailings Facilities (the Tailings Guide)

Quote from main page: A Guide to the Management of Tailings Facilities (the Tailings Guide) is designed to be applied by MAC members and non-MAC members alike, anywhere in the world. The Tailings Guide, first released in 1998, provides guidance on responsible tailings management, helps companies develop and implement site-specific tailings management systems, and improves consistency of application of engineering and management principles to tailings management.


A Multiple Accounts Analysis for Tailings Site Selection

The Multiple Accounts Analysis (MAA) method presented in this paper provides a sound basis for presenting, discussing and exploring differences of opinion (between stakeholders) in the analysis and decision making for a preferred alternative (e.g. tailings impoundment site) based on an alternatives selection process.


About Tailings Page

Background page on tailings. From ICMM Page: Tailings is a common by-product of the metals and minerals recovery process. It usually takes the form of a liquid slurry made of fine metal or mineral particles and water – created when mined ore is crushed and finely ground in a milling process.


An overview of Geosynthetics and Their Major Applications

While not specific to tailings, knowledge of geosynthetics is valuable to tailings engineers. This webinar presents an overview of the worldwide industry known as “Geosynthetics”. Each type will be described and elements of their primary design function will also be explained. Applications will then be addressed in the four major thrust areas that geosynthetics have focused upon. They are: transportation and geotechnical (paved and unpaved roads, walls, slopes); geoenvironmental (landfills, surface impoundments); hydraulic engineering (dams, tunnels, canals); and private development (parks, sport fields, aquaculture, agriculture).


Analysis and Design of Veneer cover soils for Landfills and Related Waste Containment Systems

This webinar presents an analysis of the common problem of a veneer of cover soil (0.3 to 1.0 m thick) on a geomembrane at a given slope angle and length. The webinar then presents different scenarios that create lower FS-values than the gravitational stresses of the above situation, e.g., equipment loads, seepage forces and seismic loads. As a counterpoint, different scenarios that create higher FS-values also are presented, e.g., toe berms, tapered thicknesses and veneer reinforcement. In this latter category, a subdivision is made between intentional reinforcement (using geogrids or high strength geotextiles) and non-intentional reinforcement (cases where geosynthetics overlay a weak interface within a multi-lined slope).


AQUASTAT - FAO's Global Information System on Water and Agriculture

Geo-referenced water dam database, organized by region worldwide. An Excel file contains the database and legend. Notes, References, and a document on the importance of dams is also available.


Association of State Dam Safety Officials

ASDSO is a national non-profit organization serving state dam safety programs and the broader dam safety community to improve the condition and safety of dams through education and support for state dam safety programs. Largely focused on dams for flood protection, water supply, hydropower, irrigation.


Be Aware of Potential Dam Failure in Your Community - Fact Sheet

This two-page flyer is for the general public. Approximately 14,000 dams in the United States are classified as high-hazard potential, meaning that their failure could result in loss of life. The most important steps you can take to protect yourself from dam failure are to know your risk. Dams present risks, but they also provide many benefits.


Bulletin 44a - Bibliography - Mine and Industrial Tailings Dams and Dumps (1989)

This bulletin provides references to publications written up until 1989 on tailings dams. It divides the references into the following categories: Tailings Sources; Deposition and Disposal Techniques; Safety and Failures; Stability of Tailings Embankments including Seismic Aspects; Material Properties and Evaluation; Legal Aspects; Site Selection and Investigation; Tailings Transportation; Drainage, Seepage and Groundwater; Decants, Water Management; Pollution Control and Environmental Aspects; Closure and Rehabilitation:Monitoring; Instrumentation; Vegetation; Reworking Existing Deposits; General.


Canadian Mining Stories

From webpage: The Mining Association of Canada is the voice of the mining industry and seeks to generate greater awareness around important areas in the sector from reclamation to partnerships with Indigenous communities.  The sector is a major economic driver in our Canadian economy and a great contributor to jobs and leading technologies and here are our stories.

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