Addresses creating an environmental risk management strategy with a two-pronged approach, covers common pollution dangers to consider, and compares policies.
"The transition to a net-zero and nature-positive future relies on metals and minerals. Continuing to increase circularity across mine sites and their value chains helps to minimise waste and maximise value throughout every stage of the life cycle, from sourcing, to production, to use and recovery. These tools provide a unified language for understanding the role mining and metals play in enabling increased global circularity, highlight how a business case may be built to access the value that circularity opportunities present, and offer tangible examples of where this value has been realised." Description is from this linked ICMM article.
"This paper provides insights into the current landscape of circularity in the mining and metals industry, serving as a foundation for further research and action toward sustainable resource management." Description is from this linked article.
The conference held in Torino in July 2024 covered different topics related to ESG and Sustainable Development such as recovery metallurgy, decarbonisation, SLO, ESG reporting, Circular Economy and Waste Reuse, Earth Observation and Technical Approaches, Critical Minerals, Mine Closure, LCA, Responsible Sourcing and Sustainable Mining.
Infographic that details what changes miners can make to environment, health and consumables to encourage better sleep habits.
Underhand cut-and-fill mining has allowed for the safe extraction of ore in many mines operating in weak rock or highly stressed, rockburst-prone ground conditions. However, the design of safe backfill undercuts is typically based on historical experience at mine operations and on the strength requirements derived from analytical beam equations. In situ measurements in backfill are not commonplace, largely due to challenges associated with instrumenting harsh mining environments. In deep, narrow-vein mines, large deformations and induced stresses fracture the cemented fill, often damaging the instruments and preventing long-term measurements.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) conducted a research study to document and develop safe practices for the use of shotcrete as ground support in underground mines, particularly in underground metal mines operating in weak host rock. Shotcrete is the generic name for a mixture of cement, sand, fine aggregate, and water that is applied pneumatically and compacted dynamically under high velocity. The objective of this research is to reduce mine worker fatalities and injuries resulting from rockfall accidents. Although the information, techniques, and technology covered in this publication will impact both the mining and construction sectors, the primary audience is the mining industry with a focus on underground metal mines operating in weak ground conditions.
The CIM Environmental, Social and Governance Guidelines for Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimation are valuable to support mineral exploration programs as well as risk management efforts.
Reviews an exhaustive inventory of currently available AI tools that can help advance the adoption of automation in the mining industry. Covers tools that apply to various mining areas of interest, including: Exploration/Surveying/3D Mapping; Ore/Waste/Water management; Autonomous and remotely operated equipment; and Maintenance/Performance/Safety.
This review article presents practical artificial intelligence (AI) applications to ESG challenges related to engineering applications that could benefit the mining industry practitioners. Case studies include carbon neutrality, satellite data and machine learning based land management, and ESG scoring. Discussion of challenges related to AI applications are also discussed.
The International Institute for Sustainable Development did a 50 year review of the UN Sustainability development policy in relation to the extraction of minerals and the impact to the environment and communities. This article reviews both the benefits and the struggles that the mining industry faces in our current world with a deeper review into the policies that guide the UN Policy.
The authors contend that if mining companies don't "embrace" ESG, mineral supply chains may suffer and this "may hamper progress on climate." They indicate that IEA can take the next step to improve the situation by working with OECD to couple responsible sourcing of minerals with better governance in support of the green/clean energy transition.
The authors assert that it is critical for companies to address ESG risks in mineral resource and reserve reporting. They discuss challenges, suggest improvements, and emphasize the importance of ESG in "diligent and transparent disclosure."
The authors provide a "Top 10 "S" trends mining companies should take note of and actions on."
A discussion of the importance of ESG to engineering and construction companies and the industry. Discusses the key components of an ESG program that investors or potential investors will evaluate. Provides reasons why ESG programming should be viewed as an investment - not a cost center - that can add to corporate value.
The author describes receiving only one response after reaching out to over 100 ASX-listed critical minerals companies with general queries about their ESG programs and progress. He muses that the lack of response may be Aussie "tall poppy syndrome" and advises about the necessity of climate transition plans including that they be time-bound and disclosed.
A discussion of the growing importance of environmental, social and governance principles to mineral exploration. Price insensitive factors may lead to most of the world's future copper [and other mineral] resources never being mined. Understanding and managing ESG risks and impacts from the outset can positively impact both exploration and value of a discovery.
This article discusses the importance of ESG, ESG Strategy and ESG Criteria to investors, and provides 6 steps for companies to get started.
Four main strategies that mines can implement in order to set and attain achievable carbon goals.
Ten [ESG] trends that will shape the industry. The article provides thoughtful discussion of risks and opportunities in redefining mining company practices in the new environment.
SolGold is evaluating a phased development approach for its flagship Cascabel copper-gold project in Ecuador to reduce upfront capital and construction time. The company has deferred the definitive feasibility study for the project and is working on securing necessary permits and agreements.
BHP has released results of a pilot case study on the application of natural capital accounting principles in the mining sector, focusing on its rehabilitation efforts at the Beenup mineral sands mine in Western Australia. This initiative represents an industry first, providing an environmental accounting framework to measure the condition and value of environmental assets.
The article discusses Ecuador's crackdown on illegal mining, its implications for Indigenous communities, and the government's efforts to balance mining industry growth with environmental and social concerns.
The document examines the current frameworks for ESG reporting, including those from the EU, ISSB, and SEC. It highlights the integration of the TCFD framework and the requirements for greenhouse gas emissions disclosures. The importance of assurance in boosting investor confidence is emphasized. Recent regulatory developments affecting climate-related disclosures are discussed. Overall, it serves as a guide for organizations to navigate the complexities of ESG reporting.
ISO 37000 gives guidance on the governance of organizations. The linked source contains summmary, scope statement and overview of ISO 37000, including summaries for 11 mission critical topics covered by the guidance. Useful related links are provided, including links to an ISO 37000 Highlights PDF file, and a link to the ISO store where the guidance can be downloaded.
Specifies the requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance. ISO 14001:2015 is intended for use by an organization seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.
Intended to assist organizations in contributing to sustainable development. It is intended to encourage them to go beyond legal compliance, recognizing that compliance with law is a fundamental duty of any organization and an essential part of their social responsibility. It is intended to promote common understanding in the field of social responsibility, and to complement other instruments and initiatives for social responsibility, not to replace them.
Provides guidance on using ISO 26000:2010 in the food chain by focusing on the major aspects from its seven core subjects, namely organizational governance, human rights, labour practices, environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues and community involvement and development The main objective is to help organizations in the food chain, regardless of their size or location, to draw up a list of recommendations and move towards a more socially responsible behavior.
Specifies requirements and provides guidance for use for establishing, developing, implementing, evaluating, maintaining and improving an effective and responsive compliance management system within an organization. The requirements are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size and nature of activity, and whether in the public, private or not-for-profit sectors. The standard is based on the principles of good governance, proportionality, transparency and sustainability.
ISO 37001 reflects international good practice in anti-bribery, can be used in all jurisdictions and is applicable to small, medium and large organizations in all sectors, including public, private and not-for-profit sectors.
ISO 37002 Whistleblowing is the act of reporting suspected wrongdoing or risk of wrongdoing. Effective whistleblowing programs protect organizations globally from the financial and reputational damage that these risks could cause if gone undetected. Based on the principles of Trust, Impartiality and Protection, this standard will help organizations of any size or type, whether in the public, private or not-for-profit sector:
identify and address wrongdoing at the earliest opportunity;
increase return on assets;
ensure compliance with organizational policies, procedures, and legal and social obligations;
attract and retain personnel committed to the organization's values and culture;
demonstrate sound, ethical governance practices to society, markets, regulators, owners and other interested parties.
Identifies gaps in traditional risk management and audit functions with respect to the STEM aspects of mining. Traditional audit and risk management professionals need to work alongside STEM professionals in mining to develop new ways to provide transparency, accountability and assurance to mining company boards. Discusses implications for successful ESG.
Voluntary guidance for corporate boards, C-suite representatives and senior management. Offers practical suggestions and examples for integrating sustainability considerations into the key roles and responsibilities within the IIA's Three Lines Model.
Four approx 1-hour lectures covering the ESG value proposition for firms and investors. Includes coverage of: History of ESG, materiality of ESG risks, valuation of the impacts of managing ESG risks, state of the union of ESG data and quantification/measurement of ESG factors and ESG risk management to firm financial performance, how to identify firm/industry specific material ESG factors, operational, upstream and downstream impacts, etc. Includes case studies from the mining/extractives industries: BHP's Tintaya Mine, Newmont's Ahafo gold mine in Ghana, Anglo American's Minas Rio mine in Brazil.
Essay on ESG risk management awarded Honorable Mention for the 2014 Cambridge McKinsey Risk Prize, presented at the Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies 5th Risk Summit.
EXAMiner allows mineworkers to search for hazards by performing a virtual workplace examination with the goal of finding as many hazards as possible. The interactive PC-based application can be used with the 30-plus preloaded images of scenes from four locations at a stone surface mine-in the pit, at the plant, in the shop, and along mine roadways-or trainers can upload their own panoramic images. The software was designed to be used by trainers during Part 46 annual refresher training, quarterly training meetings, or pre-shift toolbox talks. There are two options to create a training session: 1.Choose scenes created by NIOSH and have mineworkers perform a virtual examination at one of four locations at a surface stone mine. These include the pit, at the plant, in the shop, and along haul roads and other mine roadways. 2.Import your own panoramic pictures to create customized site-specific scenes to use as training materials at any type of mine, in any sector. This provides the capability to create training materials that address specific hazards your mineworkers are encountering in the workplace. This provides the ability to continually add content to the software, importing as many panoramic pictures as are available to address the changing needs of your mineworkers. After completing a workplace examination, mineworkers receive feedback on their performance and are provided additional information to reinforce their knowledge of mine site hazards.
The extraction, transport, and processing of coal produces respirable-sized dust that can be inhaled by miners and cause disabling and potentially fatal lung diseases known as coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP, commonly called "black lung") or silicosis. Once contracted, there is no cure for these lung diseases, so prevention is the goal. Since 1970, NIOSH has offered health screenings to underground coal miners to identify CWP in individuals and to track CWP prevalence across the industry. After an initial 30-year downward trend, CWP prevalence has been increasing over the last 20 years. Coal dust particles larger in size than respirable dust, known as float coal dust, are also produced during mining. Float coal dust settles out of the ventilating air onto the floor, ribs, and roof of underground mining entries. This dust can be lifted back into the air from these surfaces to fuel powerful explosions which have contributed to numerous fatal mine disasters. To address these issues, coal mine operators search for and implement control technologies that limit worker exposure to respirable dust and minimize the deposition of float coal dust. The controls discussed in this second edition of this handbook range from long-utilized controls that have developed into industry standards to emerging controls that continue to be researched. The handbook is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 discusses the health effects of exposure to respirable coal and silica dust. Chapter 2 discusses respirable dust sampling instruments and sampling methods. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 focus on respirable dust control technologies for longwall mining, continuous mining, and surface mining, respectively. Chapter 6 discusses float coal dust sampling and control technologies.
This study was developed as part of an effort by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to better understand rock-mass behavior in longwall coal mines in highly stressed, bump-prone ground. The floor-heave and no-floor heave phenomena at a western U.S. coal mine cannot be properly simulated in numerical models using conventional shear-dominant failure criteria (i.e., Mohr-Coulomb or Hoek-Brown failure criterion). Kim and Larson (2019) demonstrated these phenomena using a user-defined model of the s-shaped brittle failure criterion in conjunction with a spalling process in FLAC3D.
Respirable crystalline silica (RCS) exposure occurs in many industries and the potential health effects of RCS have been well-documented. Monitoring is an essential part of any RCS exposure control plan but the timeliness of data from the lab and the cumulative cost of analysis may limit the extent and the effectiveness of the monitoring process. Field-based monitoring procedures offer a supplement to sample analysis completed by an off-site laboratory. By eliminating the time spent transporting samples and waiting for laboratory results, results are available the same or next day to allow operators to make decisions regarding controls. This enhances the ability to collect data more effectively, enables better control over potential exposures, and protects worker health. The FAST (Field Analysis of Silica Tool) software processes raw Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) data from a field-based instruments and calculates an RCS mass and concentration estimate for each sample. The results can contribute to decision-making to decrease worker exposure to RCS. Field-based monitoring and FAST can be used by anyone with an interest in evaluating RCS exposure but it is primarily intended for industrial hygienists and other workers with health and safety responsibilities, specifically within the mining industry (although workers in other industries will also find it useful). No specialized training in analytical techniques is necessary. Important Note for FAST users: FAST is designed to work in concert with an easily implemented monitoring approach developed by NIOSH which uses portable FTIR analyzers and dust sampling cassettes at the mine site. As detailed in the software guide, RCS results from this initial release of FAST are accurate if a sample is collected in a coal mine. Choosing a commodity prefixed with the type "other" means that no adjustments are made for other minerals that might be present in addition to crystalline silica. Therefore, for samples collected in mines other than coal, the results should be considered as approximations. The possible presence of other minerals may decrease the accuracy of the quantification model, and the true result may be greater or less than the approximation. Future releases of FAST will offer improved accuracy for commodity types besides coal.
This is a case study on the closure of Glencore's Australian coal operations. In 2019 the operation completed progressive closure of more than 1,300 hectares of mined land--the fourth successive year in achieving the company's 1,000 ha per year target. The study talks about the practices and processes that went into the closure planning.
As the population of the nearby city grew, water storage and treatment facilities struggled to keep up. The result was increased pollution to the Rio Chili river. Freeport is a member of the local water users committee and addressed stakeholders concerns by building two dams, a potable water plant, and a waste water treatment facility. This in turn allowed the mine to gain a contract for a secure water source and increased local relations.
Gaining an SLO and achieving ESG both require immediate direct and local intervention, ideally before sending in an exploration team or deciding to develop a project. Understanding what social risks and challenges the company faces and what issues matter to the community are vital to the success of a mining project. The best way to accomplish this immediate direct and local interaction is by conducting grassroots mining legal diagnoses and SLO diagnoses. Mining legal diagnoses seek to identify legal risks faced by a company's endeavors. An SLO diagnosis is a tool that will provide a basis for "doing the right thing" for all stakeholders impacted by a project.
Ausbil Funds Management dropped Rio Tinto from Ausbil's $30 million sustainable equity fund because of severe backlash against Rio Tinto following the destruction of the 46,000-year old cultural site at Juukan Gorge in Western Australia.
A significant raising of the ESG bar has occurred through the raising of performance standards by the mining industry, and the requirement for independent and transparent validation requirements at mine sites.
In its ESG report card, S&P concluded that: "Environmental risks for metals and mining companies are among the highest across all sectors . . . main social tensions arise from fears of pollution, water usage conflicts, and economic/landscape impacts on nearby communities . . . and governance of high-rated companies tend to be the best, especially for those located in jurisdictions with long histories in mining."
While a social license to operate is already one of the biggest challenges facing the mining industry, maintaining an SLO is getting harder. Part of the reason is growing community empowerment. Local residents are increasingly willing – and able – to demand a say on mining projects and a bigger share of the spoils, drawing support from legal and social media-savvy NGOs and local politicians.
A number of authors in the area of sustainability set forth several possible new sustainability solutions for mining operations which include due diligence mechanisms in the form of social, environmental and human rights impact assessments. These proposed new sustainability solutions are "predicated on the premise that business as usual is no longer acceptable and that sustainability matters are critical for survival of the mining industry." Note: Book for sale.
Mining and metal companies will be exposed to dramatic swings in market demand during and post COVID-19. As they work through this and prepare for the future, insights about the following insights are offered for consideration: international tensions; upping the fiscal take from mining; and accelerating 'green new deals' and the energy transition.
The Board Leadership Center interviewed directors of major corporations. The interviews showed that ESG is important to investors and stakeholders, and a focus on ESG requires significant effort, especially as there is no one model to follow.
The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Members (SASB) are reporting that companies are being pushed to report on how they are working to achieve the UN Sustainable Development goals that were established in 2015 to provide a common set of economic, social, and environmental outcomes that member countries can work together to achieve by 2030. Convergence is expected on this over the next 12-24 months according to the SASB Board.
The author provides a summary of traditional sustainability concepts (social sustainability, sustainable development, corporate social responsibility), summarizes the new sustainability concepts promoted by the authors in Mining and Sustainable Development: Current Issues, then suggests that the optimal outcome of sustainability – whether through the application of the traditional sustainability concepts or the new sustainability concepts – is to earn an SLO. In order to maximize the likelihood of obtaining an SLO, mining companies need to hire an independent third party to conduct an effective SLO diagnosis – the particulars of which are summarized in the remainder of the chapter.
With crisis sparking a collective demand for change, it's time for ESG investing to move from a check-the-box component of investment portfolios to a must-have for all portfolios.
Based on case studies, and company language developed in response, the article asserts that companies need a better understanding of local community complexity to better tailor their approaches to these communities.
This article recommends that to operate more sustainably, mining companies should have improved planning and should implement sound environmental management tools to improve performance, both environmentally and socioeconomically. Note: PDF for purchase.
"Governance" is the most important component of ESG. If extractive companies do not improve their governance, they may find that their overall ESG performance does not meet investor and society expectations. Three key governance challenges are discussed.
This case study from 2008 discusses Australia's Fitzroy region and the interaction between community concerns and the mining companies operating there after a mining pit flooded. More than 20 organizations were involved in creating a solution to the discharge water quality concerns.
The eMalehleni Water Reclamation Plant is an engineering feat--the first acid rock drainage treatment facility. Two competing companies set aside their differences to address shared concerns over water availability and increased government regulations.
In 2011, eight coal producers, environmental and business groups, local government and regulators and the community created the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue. The Dialogue addressed growing dust and noise concerns, water quality, housing issues, and water availability. The Dialogue created groups that identified specific projects to take on.
This is a case study on the relationship between mining companies and sharing water rights. The article focuses on mining companies in Mongolia and Mongolian inhabitants developing a mutually agreed plan to share and protect water in the Gobi region. This publication also touches on the communication that occurred between the two parties and how a relationship was built. The publication also contains results from Australia, South Africa, and Peru.
Addresses topics in mine water management including the Industrial-Internet of Things technologies, continuous data collection and increased data analysis, data management using highly advanced analytical techniques, and use of data lakes.
Miners and OGE workers had higher prevalence estimates than both nonmanual and manual labor workers for all health risk factors except current smoking. Both miners and OGE workers were significantly more likely than other manual labor workers to report smokeless tobacco use and not always wearing seatbelts. Compared with other manual labor workers, OGE workers were significantly more likely to report obesity, and miners were significantly more likely to report inadequate sleep.
This infographic on fall protection helps workers identify three essential steps to take when using a personal fall arrest system: select and inspect, put on, and tie off. The body text details these steps and components, and the top and bottom banners provide data from the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) to support how important the proper use of fall arrest systems is to safety. Depending on their duties, mine personnel commonly have the need to use fall protection at work, and this infographic is designed to give them critical tips that will be easy to remember and easy to implement. For Spanish speakers, download the same infographic with text in Spanish PDF.
To advance a more tangible understanding of health and safety climate in the U.S. mining industry, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) surveyed members of mining workforces about experiences at their respective mine operations. The survey measured four personal (i.e., risk tolerance, thoroughness, sense of control, and adaptability) and six organizational (i.e., organizational support, supervisor support, supervisor communication, coworker communication, worker engagement, and training) constructs to determine significant influences on health and safety (H&S) performance, which was measured in the form of worker proactivity, compliance, and reported near misses or other incidents. This report, unlike other safety climate reports, focuses on individual perceived safety climate [Neal and Griffin 2006] versus crew-based approaches to such assessments. Participants consisted of 2,683 workers-both salaried and hourly-at 39 mine sites throughout 17 states. The mines represented nine major companies and three mining subsectors (coal, stone, sand, and gravel, and industrial minerals). This report analyzes, assesses, and presents data about these safety climate constructs to help those who manage companies, mine organizations, or groups of workers, to develop, target and improve, or implement parts of a health and safety management system (HSMS) to support workers' H&S performance while reducing the likelihood of workplace incidents.
This portal puts together the disclosures that mining companies have made about more than 1,800 mine tailings dams, providing a rich source of information about mine waste.
Researchers from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) have been conducting research with the goal of gaining a better understanding of ground stress redistribution resulting from mining. Part 1 of this research involves representing stress redistribution using empirical equations or numerical models that are calibrated to observations and measurements.
Numerical models are used to evaluate mine layout design to establish better procedures for predicting ground stress in mining to identify safe and unsafe working areas and escapeways. Current published guidance by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) recommends an approach to calibrating models to observations, but it does not include recommendations for using in situ measurements to calibrate such models. A specific goal of this research is to explore and demonstrate procedures for calibrating numerical models to both observations and measurements.
Each year, hundreds of mine workers are involved in machinery-related accidents. Many of these accidents involve inadequate or improper use of lockout/tagout (LOTO) procedures. To mitigate the occurrence of these accidents, new safety methods are needed to monitor access to hazardous areas around operating machinery, improve documentation/monitoring of maintenance that requires shutdown of the machinery, and prevent unexpected startup or movement during machine maintenance activities. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is currently researching the application of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to provide intelligent machine monitoring as part of a comprehensive LOTO program.
Cemented rockfill (CRF) is commonly used in conjunction with underhand cut-and-fill mining methods to provide ground support in weak rock mass conditions, particularly in the underground gold mines in Nevada (Seymour et al. 2013). The CRF supports the overlying material in the mine roof and also confines the surfaces of rock pillars and abutments, thereby enhancing their ground support capabilities. If the CRF is designed, batched, and placed properly, it typically provides a safe, stable back for the next undercut. However, as wider undercut spans are implemented, a better understanding is needed of the engineered properties of this material and also the design methods that are used to evaluate its performance (Pakalnis et al. 2005; Tesarik et al. 2007; Barnard and Sandbak 2017).
This study characterizes physiological measures of heat exposure among US underground miners. Unlike previous heat stress research that reported only maximum and mean temperature measurements, this analysis demonstrates a dynamic pattern of physiologic heat strain, with core body temperatures changing frequently and exceeding the 38 °C limit multiple times per shift.
In 2013, the National Research Council (NRC) issued the consensus study report, Improving Self-Escape from Underground Coal Mines (National Research Council, 2013; available at The NRC report (p. 2) defined self-escape in the event of a mine emergency as "the ability of an individual or group of miners to remove themselves from the mine using available resources," and called for detailed task analysis of self-escape to describe self-escape behaviors and required capabilities, knowledge, and skills.
In response to this report's recommendation, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) funded work to accomplish a detailed task analysis. The scope of this project was bounded between (a) miners making the decision on their own or based on notification by coworkers or mine management of the need to evacuate due to a hazardous situation, and (b) completed self-escape at exit from the underground mine. The goals of this effort were two-fold: (1) to produce a set of specific recommendations to facilitate self-escape that would reduce task demands to operate within individual cognitive capabilities; (2) to facilitate and optimize human performance in meeting task demands, and increase the likelihood of success through eliminating tasks, redesigning tasks to reduce differences between task demands and individual capability, or improving human performance through better training and/or assistive tools and technology.
The project consisted of four phases, and the current paper focuses on the cognitive task analysis (CTA) work done in Phase 4. During Phase 1, we developed data collection protocol and materials and secured NIOSH Institutional Review Board approval and clearance from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which is required to collect data from persons outside the government. In Phase 2, we identified self-escape tasks, organized them into categories, and identified which tasks are critical to successful escape. In Phase 3, we performed hierarchical task analysis recommendations development. Finally, in Phase 4, we performed a CTA to describe thought-based components of escape, particularly information sharing, goal setting, planning, and decision-making, and developed results-based recommendations.
The purpose of these Toolbox Talks is to provide information related to workplace hazards and risks to workers at Stone, Sand, Gravel, and Aggregates (SSGA) operations. This information can be used to increase workers' health and safety. This series of Toolbox Talks was created using data from two sources: interviews with SSGA mine workers about hazards and risks at their worksite, and nonfatal and fatal injury data reported to the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) during the years 2009-2014. Each Toolbox Talk includes a quote from a mine worker to demonstrate a first person experience with a hazard or risk. This first person experience is then linked to MSHA injury data to show that these experiences are consistent with the realities of accidents, injuries, and fatalities. Finally, several questions are included that can be used to start a discussion about a specific Toolbox Talk topic - for instance, questions for the slips and falls topic are focused on having mine workers identify where slips and falls are likely to occur at their mine site and ways mine workers can protect themselves from slip and fall injuries. Altogether there are 13 talks included in this series.
Increased use of underhand methods in the last 30 years has improved safety in many mines. However, with the continual drive for more efficient and cost-effective mining, there is a need to thoroughly understand the geotechnical properties of cemented fill so that safe, stable openings can be designed while optimizing costs and production schedules.
Fatigue presents several challenges for the mining industry. Depending on the specific occupation, daily work or operational setup on any given mine site, mining jobs can have a fair amount of labor-intensive tasks mixed with monotonous and repetitive duties. Combined with the long working hours and shift-work schedules of mining work, the prevalence of fatigue in mine workers may seem rather unsurprising.
A video tutorial describing the use of NIOSH developed software called EVADE. EVADE matches up recorded video and logged data to identify potential health exposure risks. The video comes from a worker-mounted camera and the logged data comes from a personal assessment monitor used to measure either dust, noise, diesel, or chemical exposure. This tutorial shows where to access and download this free software, and then how to create, save, and perform a basic exposure assessment using the software.
A numerical-model-based approach was recently developed for estimating the changes in both the horizontal and vertical loading conditions induced by an approaching longwall face. In this approach, a systematic procedure is used to estimate the model's inputs. Shearing along the bedding planes is modeled with ubiquitous joint elements and interface elements. Coal is modeled with a newly developed coal mass model. The response of the gob is calibrated with back analysis of subsidence data and the results of previously published laboratory tests on rock fragments. The model results were verified with the subsidence and stress data recently collected from a longwall mine in the eastern United States.
The 2007 United States Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) database reported 217 knee injuries in underground coal. From workers' compensation data, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) determined that the average cost per knee injury in this industry was $13,121.29 yielding nearly three million dollars as an estimated financial burden of these injuries on the industry in 2007. (1) Recently, NIOSH has investigated various types of interventions that underground coal mining companies may implement as means of decreasing mine workers' risk for developing knee injuries. To encourage mining companies to implement this training program and interventions currently in development, NIOSH performed an analysis of workers' compensation data for one underground coal mine in Illinois and six in Pennsylvania. The data were for the 2004, 2005, and 2006 claim years of each mine and included medical and indemnity costs for injuries to each body part, the number of injuries per body part, and the annual audited payroll. The rating formulas for the respective states were utilized to determine workers' compensation premiums for 2008 which require injury data from 2004 to 2006. For each mine, the costs of workers' compensation premiums were determined with all the injuries reported. A second analysis was then performed whereby all knee injuries were excluded. By eliminating knee injuries, the annual workers' compensation premiums decreased by 1.1% to 16.2% depending on the mine's size and injury statistics. The savings that were observed ranged from $4,206, a 1.3% savings, to $1,454,767, a 6.4% savings. The cost of implementing the NIOSH recommended interventions is minimal; therefore, an overall savings for the mine would be expected.
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