The SME Guide to ESG Resources

The SME Environmental, Social and Governance Toolkit is a resource for the mining industry. The Toolkit is composed of information, links and downloadable documents covering the many aspects of ESG in the mining industry.

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The Evolution of Environmental Risks: Understanding Pollution Liabilities, Policies & Prevention

Addresses creating an environmental risk management strategy with a two-pronged approach, covers common pollution dangers to consider, and compares policies.

Authors: Darren Berg

Tools for Circularity

"The transition to a net-zero and nature-positive future relies on metals and minerals. Continuing to increase circularity across mine sites and their value chains helps to minimise waste and maximise value throughout every stage of the life cycle, from sourcing, to production, to use and recovery. These tools provide a unified language for understanding the role mining and metals play in enabling increased global circularity, highlight how a business case may be built to access the value that circularity opportunities present, and offer tangible examples of where this value has been realised." Description is from this linked ICMM article.

Authors: ICMM
Publisher: ICMM, October 9, 2024

State of Play of Circularity in the Mining and Metals Industry

"This paper provides insights into the current landscape of circularity in the mining and metals industry, serving as a foundation for further research and action toward sustainable resource management." Description is from this linked article.

Authors: Laura Mottola, Caroline Provost, Katherine van Nes, Paulina Contreras, Felipe Soto
Publisher: Global Mining Guidelines Group (GMG)

Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Minerals industry

The conference held in Torino in July 2024 covered different topics related to ESG and Sustainable Development such as recovery metallurgy, decarbonisation, SLO, ESG reporting, Circular Economy and Waste Reuse, Earth Observation and Technical Approaches, Critical Minerals, Mine Closure, LCA, Responsible Sourcing and Sustainable Mining.

Authors: Prof. Marilena Cardu, Prof. Andrea Blengini
Publisher: SDIMI International Forum for Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry

CIM Environmental, Social and Governance Guidelines for Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimation

The CIM Environmental, Social and Governance Guidelines for Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimation are valuable to support mineral exploration programs as well as risk management efforts.

Authors: CIM Environmental and Social Responsibility Society
Publisher: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, September 2023

AI: Enabling new possibilities in mining

Reviews an exhaustive inventory of currently available AI tools that can help advance the adoption of automation in the mining industry. Covers tools that apply to various mining areas of interest, including: Exploration/Surveying/3D Mapping; Ore/Waste/Water management; Autonomous and remotely operated equipment; and Maintenance/Performance/Safety.

Authors: Nermina Harambasic
Publisher: The Intelligent Miner (September 2023)

How to Advance Sustainable Mining

The International Institute for Sustainable Development did a 50 year review of the UN Sustainability development policy in relation to the extraction of minerals and the impact to the environment and communities. This article reviews both the benefits and the struggles that the mining industry faces in our current world with a deeper review into the policies that guide the UN Policy.

Authors: Dr. Suzi Malan
Publisher: International Institute for Sustainable Development

Why is ESG so important to critical mineral supplies, and what can we do about it?

The authors contend that if mining companies don't "embrace" ESG, mineral supply chains may suffer and this "may hamper progress on climate." They indicate that IEA can take the next step to improve the situation by working with OECD to couple responsible sourcing of minerals with better governance in support of the green/clean energy transition.

Authors: K.C. Michaels, Louis Maréchal, and Benjamin Katz
Publisher: IEA (2022), Paris

Mining's top ten 'S' trends in ESG for 2023

The authors provide a "Top 10 "S" trends mining companies should take note of and actions on."

Authors: Rachel Dekker and Elizabeth Freele
Publisher:, SympactAdvisory

ESG: An Ethical Explorationist's Quandary

A discussion of the growing importance of environmental, social and governance principles to mineral exploration. Price insensitive factors may lead to most of the world's future copper [and other mineral] resources never being mined. Understanding and managing ESG risks and impacts from the outset can positively impact both exploration and value of a discovery.

Authors: Dr Cathryn MacCallum, Sazani Associates, Dr Matt Jackson
Publisher: Global Mining Review

Reaching Sustainability Goals

Four main strategies that mines can implement in order to set and attain achievable carbon goals.

Authors: Dr Niels Leemput
Publisher: Global Mining Review

Redefining The Industry

Ten [ESG] trends that will shape the industry. The article provides thoughtful discussion of risks and opportunities in redefining mining company practices in the new environment.

Authors: Andrew Swart
Publisher: Global Mining Review

BHP unveils first natural capital accounting results

BHP has released results of a pilot case study on the application of natural capital accounting principles in the mining sector, focusing on its rehabilitation efforts at the Beenup mineral sands mine in Western Australia. This initiative represents an industry first, providing an environmental accounting framework to measure the condition and value of environmental assets.

Authors: Not specified in the document (Staff Writer)

Navigating the ESG landscape: Comparison of the "big three" sustainability frameworks

The document examines the current frameworks for ESG reporting, including those from the EU, ISSB, and SEC. It highlights the integration of the TCFD framework and the requirements for greenhouse gas emissions disclosures. The importance of assurance in boosting investor confidence is emphasized. Recent regulatory developments affecting climate-related disclosures are discussed. Overall, it serves as a guide for organizations to navigate the complexities of ESG reporting.

Authors: Not specified.
Publisher: PricewaterhouseCoopers

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems

Specifies the requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance. ISO 14001:2015 is intended for use by an organization seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.

Authors: ISO/TC 207/SC 1 Environmental management system
Publisher: ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, 2015

ISO 26000:2010 Guidance on Social Responsibility (Last reviewed and confirmed by ISO in 2021, this version remains current)

Intended to assist organizations in contributing to sustainable development. It is intended to encourage them to go beyond legal compliance, recognizing that compliance with law is a fundamental duty of any organization and an essential part of their social responsibility. It is intended to promote common understanding in the field of social responsibility, and to complement other instruments and initiatives for social responsibility, not to replace them.

Authors: ISO/TMBG Technical Management Board - groups
Publisher: ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, 2010

ISO/TS 26030:2019 Social responsibility and sustainable development - Guidance on using ISO 26000:2010 in the food chain

Provides guidance on using ISO 26000:2010 in the food chain by focusing on the major aspects from its seven core subjects, namely organizational governance, human rights, labour practices, environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues and community involvement and development The main objective is to help organizations in the food chain, regardless of their size or location, to draw up a list of recommendations and move towards a more socially responsible behavior.

Authors: ISO/TMBG Technical Management Board - groups
Publisher: ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, 2019

ESG Risks and Opportunities

Four approx 1-hour lectures covering the ESG value proposition for firms and investors. Includes coverage of: History of ESG, materiality of ESG risks, valuation of the impacts of managing ESG risks, state of the union of ESG data and quantification/measurement of ESG factors and ESG risk management to firm financial performance, how to identify firm/industry specific material ESG factors, operational, upstream and downstream impacts, etc. Includes case studies from the mining/extractives industries: BHP's Tintaya Mine, Newmont's Ahafo gold mine in Ghana, Anglo American's Minas Rio mine in Brazil.

Authors: Witold Henisz, Deloitte & Touche Professor of Management at the Wharton School, Founder of the ESG Analytics Lab at Wharton, Director of the Wharton Political Risk Lab
Publisher: UPenn on Coursera

Glencore's integrated approach to closure governance at its Australian coal operations reduces closure liabilities

This is a case study on the closure of Glencore's Australian coal operations. In 2019 the operation completed progressive closure of more than 1,300 hectares of mined land--the fourth successive year in achieving the company's 1,000 ha per year target. The study talks about the practices and processes that went into the closure planning.

Authors: International Council of Mining & Metals (ICMM)
Publisher: International Council of Mining & Metals (ICMM)

Shared Water, Shared Responsibility, Shared Approach: Cerro Verde, Peru

As the population of the nearby city grew, water storage and treatment facilities struggled to keep up. The result was increased pollution to the Rio Chili river. Freeport is a member of the local water users committee and addressed stakeholders concerns by building two dams, a potable water plant, and a waste water treatment facility. This in turn allowed the mine to gain a contract for a secure water source and increased local relations.

Authors: International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM) and International Finance Corporation (IFC)/World Bank Group
Publisher: International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM), 2017

Mining and Sustainable Development: Current Issues

A number of authors in the area of sustainability set forth several possible new sustainability solutions for mining operations which include due diligence mechanisms in the form of social, environmental and human rights impact assessments. These proposed new sustainability solutions are "predicated on the premise that business as usual is no longer acceptable and that sustainability matters are critical for survival of the mining industry." Note: Book for sale.

Authors: Lodhia, Sumit K. (ed)
Publisher: Routledge and CRC Press, (New York, NY: 2018)

COVID-19 and the Mining Sector: Navigating the curve and preparing for an uncertain future

Mining and metal companies will be exposed to dramatic swings in market demand during and post COVID-19. As they work through this and prepare for the future, insights about the following insights are offered for consideration: international tensions; upping the fiscal take from mining; and accelerating 'green new deals' and the energy transition.

Authors: Pearce, Louise; Hall, Henry
Publisher: ERM

Corporate social responsibility and the mining industry: conflicts and constructs

Based on case studies, and company language developed in response, the article asserts that companies need a better understanding of local community complexity to better tailor their approaches to these communities.

Authors: Jenkins, Heledd.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment, 2004.

Sustainable development in the mining industry: clarifying the corporate perspective

This article recommends that to operate more sustainably, mining companies should have improved planning and should implement sound environmental management tools to improve performance, both environmentally and socioeconomically. Note: PDF for purchase.

Authors: Hilson, G.; Murck, B.
Publisher: Elsevier. Resources Policy, Volume 26, Issue 4, December 2000, Pages 227-238.

Shared Water, Shared Responsibility, Shared Approach: Fitzroy, Australia

This case study from 2008 discusses Australia's Fitzroy region and the interaction between community concerns and the mining companies operating there after a mining pit flooded. More than 20 organizations were involved in creating a solution to the discharge water quality concerns.

Authors: International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM) and International Finance Corporation (IFC)/World Bank Group
Publisher: International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM), 2017

Shared Water, Shared Responsibility, Shared Approach: eMalahleni, South Africa

The eMalehleni Water Reclamation Plant is an engineering feat--the first acid rock drainage treatment facility. Two competing companies set aside their differences to address shared concerns over water availability and increased government regulations.

Authors: International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC)/World Bank Group.
Publisher: International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM), 2017.

Shared Water, Shared Responsibility, Shared Approach: Upper Hunter Valley, Australia

In 2011, eight coal producers, environmental and business groups, local government and regulators and the community created the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue. The Dialogue addressed growing dust and noise concerns, water quality, housing issues, and water availability. The Dialogue created groups that identified specific projects to take on.

Authors: International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC)/World Bank Group.
Publisher: International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM), 2017.

Shared Water, Shared Responsibility, Shared Approach: Water in the Mining Sector

This is a case study on the relationship between mining companies and sharing water rights. The article focuses on mining companies in Mongolia and Mongolian inhabitants developing a mutually agreed plan to share and protect water in the Gobi region. This publication also touches on the communication that occurred between the two parties and how a relationship was built. The publication also contains results from Australia, South Africa, and Peru.

Authors: International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC)/World Bank Group.
Publisher: International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM), 2017.

Automated measurement systems in mine water management and mine workings – A review of potential methods

Addresses topics in mine water management including the Industrial-Internet of Things technologies, continuous data collection and increased data analysis, data management using highly advanced analytical techniques, and use of data lakes.

Authors: Kagiso S. More, Christian Wolkersdorfer, Ning Kang, Adel S. Elmaghraby
Publisher: Elsevier; Water Resources and Industry Volume 24, December 2020, 100136

Global Tailings Portal (Beta Version 3.0)

This portal puts together the disclosures that mining companies have made about more than 1,800 mine tailings dams, providing a rich source of information about mine waste.

Authors: Database/multiple
Publisher: The Investor Mining and Tailings Safety Initiative and UNEP through GRID-Arendal

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